John Podesta, Another Enemy Within

Many of us are familiar with Podesta and his totalitarian approach to government.  From Discover the Networks "Podesta's most lasting contribution to the leftist cause came through his promotion of a strategy that White House aides dubbed "Project Podesta." This was a system that enabled the Clintons to push through unpopular policies that neither Congress nor the American people wanted. Its implementation marked a dramatic tilt in the balance of power, giving the executive branch an unprecedented ability to force its will on the legislative branch. 
Project Podesta enabled the President to bypass Congress through the use of executive orders, presidential decision directives, White-House-sponsored lawsuits, vacancy appointments to high federal office, selective regulatory actions against targeted corporations, and a host of other extra-constitutional tactics.
In short, Podesta showed the Clintons that they could gain by force what they might fail to achieve through legislation. "Stroke of the pen. Law of the land. Kind of cool," quipped White House aide Paul Begala to The New York Times on July 5, 1998, in response to questions about the Clintons' growing disdain for the will of Congress." entire post

We are far closer to world tyranny than we realize. He is a primary player in the UN driven agenda for world domination under the guise of sustainable development. He is schooling Obama on the "Stroke of the pen. Law of the land." form of government--read dictatorship. There are leftist in Congress who would be all to happy to support this and thereby undercut their own relevance. more
Do they truly realize what they are supporting? Podesta will do his utmost to aid and abet Obama into railroading America into a totalitarian disaster that will bring down the entire world--not raise it up. Perhaps that is the plan- the elite will dominate the masses and succeed in convincing them that they are free. Calling Orwell!!

From FOX News "John Podesta, the former Clinton Administration chief of staff who is spearheading President Barack Obama’s aggressive strategy of government-by-regulation, has also been helping United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon with an even more ambitious job: setting the stage to radically transform the world’s economic, environmental and social agenda.
That effort—a colossal and sweeping form of  global behavior modification--is supposed to get a new kick-start at a special U.N. summit of world leaders to be convened by Ban in New York City on September 25.
Its supporters hope that effort will end next year in a new international treaty that will bind all 193 U.N. members-- including the U.S-- to a still formless “universal sustainable development agenda” for the planet that will take effect in 2020.
“Developing a single, sustainable development agenda is critical,” says a report produced in May, 2013 by a 27-member “High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons”  hand-picked by Ban to help focus the discussion and frame the effort required to make the huge and lengthy project a success."

Can enough of us awaken in time to expose the truth behind the lie that touts the benefits of sustainable development stop its insidious progression?

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