Will It Be Liberals or Conservatives That Bury America?

by Darwin Rockantansky

I became involved in the Tea Party movement 'round about the last mid-term elections because I had come to grips with the simple truth that the Republican Party of my younger years died with Ronald Reagan's second term.

Over the years there have been those who have questioned my sanity but I have been certain of my sanity until recently. I think that now I must know what Alice felt like in both her journeys; down the rabbit hole and through the looking glass.

Recently I attended a rally / demonstration to voice our objections to this national catastrophe called Obamacare. It has been my observation that opposition to this abomination of legislation is damned near universal; folks from one end of the political spectrum to the other do not like this ham-fisted government destruction of our way of life.

As is my custom, I arrived a few minutes early to see if I could be of assistance in setting things up or whatever. I travel in wide circles in the conservative community and yes, I even have friends who are of that other persuasion.  When I first arrived I was greatly encouraged because of the broad spectrum of support that showed up.  There were die-hard Republicans, Tea Party followers, Libertarians, Independent American Party members, and a bunch of others. It really gave me hope...for all of about five minutes.

Then a person that I have worked with over the years and have always respected showed up and shat upon the day and possibly every day to come between now and when this nation is finally buried under the heel of Marxist oppression.

One or more of the groups represented had erected a banner for their group and I thought it a good thing; showing unity across the conservative community. The person whom I just mentioned immediately made a scene over being associated with any group other than their own by the presence of the banner(s) and demanded that the banners be removed.

The banners were removed. I left the event in disgust.

I have on more than one occasion admitted that I was born politically blind. Many people have commented that there is very little "grey" in the way I look at things; i.e. I generally see things as either "black" or "white," and tend to respect other people's point of view regardless of whether or not I agree with them. Case in point: my friend and neighbor "The BIG Democrat."

If being a "Republican" means being a diehard advocate of every iota of excrement that drizzles down the back side of the national organization then I am obviously not one of those. I think of myself as a "Constitutional Conservative." It has been my observation that outside the certifiably deranged liberals there is more than a minority of the members of any formal group that do not fully support everything that comes down the pipe from their respective organizations.

But as I survey the right side of the political landscape, I see a significant overlap in what the various groups claim to believe in; i.e. defense of our Constitution. Then why is it that there is so much hostility between all these groups who profess to advocate the same things?

Perhaps the answer can be found in incident cited here. It may be coincidental that the person who so loudly and angrily demanded that organizational banner be removed is of what I think of as "the religious right, aka: The American Taliban." My father is Episcopalian and my mother a Southern Baptist. My siblings and I were exposed to both and given free reign to find our own comfort zones. And yet I have seen countless examples where various groups who espouse the same values derived from the same Bible are in constant conflict with each other. And it has always been my observation that the root cause is typically the same: EGO.

Humans are competitive by nature. "Leaders" now measure their "power" by the number of "friends" and "followers" they have and nothing else matters. I have seen several "Tea Party" organizations spring up here in Lovely Las Vegas Nevada and only one or two remain today and at noticeably smaller populations. Some died because there was no vision, no objectives, and no true leaders; they were basically mutual support "bitch" sessions. I recall an incident where I was researching my options as to which group I might find to be a fit for me. I asked the "leader" what made their organization more attractive than others in the Las Vegas Valley. The response to me was "If you are so stupid that you have to ask then you do not belong in this group." Plain and simple EGO. No surprise that that particular "group" of a handful or so of people no longer exists.

The Conservative movement in this country is in "Guppy Mode." A mother guppy may produce many offspring and is fond of eating her young.  The spiritual love of individual freedom and a society built and maintained on solid values is the core of the conservative movement. And like the guppy, that drive and need to procreate produces a myriad of offspring. And far too many of the offspring are consumed by those who spawned them - the RNC/GOP and other predators spawned from sheer ego.

As the Liberal / Socialist / Democrats march relentlessly forward like a horde of locusts of biblical proportions, the conservatives bicker, back-bite, and slaughter each other in the name of intolerance, petty differences and rampant egos.

It is obvious to this observer that The Conservatives Will Bury America.

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