When we have a deficit or economic imbalance at the
Local, State or Federal level, Liberals are always quick to point at the Revenue
side of the equation. Over time, these policies have led to so many hidden taxes
on society, that even I forget just how many there really are. The photo to the
left reminded me just how many times we are
duped when purchasing something in our economy. Arguably, I wonder if the
leftists even realize how this works, since they all appear to
be economically challenged. Where are all these magical revenue sources
that we don't think about in our daily lives?
First there is, obviously, the gas taxes.
gas taxes range from $0.08 (Alaska) to $0.50 per gallon (New York) and
everywhere in between. At the Federal
level, there is an additional $0.184 per gallon tax. Meanwhile, those evil oil
companies are raking in.....are you ready... a whopping $0.07
per gallon in profit. Yet, the left chooses to demonize the oil companies
because of their record profits. Never mind that the world is using more fuel.
Yet, they complain about the prices of gas, when, in reality, gas prices could
be dropped significantly with a few actions. As of 2011, State and Local taxes
totalled $41,227,355,000!!
If you add the Federal Tax, this grows even larger! So, who's really gouging
us? Remember, oil company profits include all sales around the world, not just
the US. The taxes are only collected in the US.
Corporate taxes also impact consumers in our country. At a
35% clip, our Federal corporate taxes are some of the highest in the world.
Assuming the net tax is 35%, consumers get hit with this cost, as it is passed through to the purchaser of the good or service.
Obviously, this varies based upon the favors granted by Congress through the
tax code. But, just imagine if everything worked out to a 35% increase due to
taxes alone. This is before accounting for State and Local taxes. Yet, again,
Liberals continually slam corporate profits for "being high". Those
profits are
taxed, spent, reinvested or otherwise used in our economy, allowing
them to
be taxed again. Yet, how many companies do you know that charge a 35%
profit margin on their product or service?
Notice that the above
is pretax, not even including the 35% Federal
tax yet. Again, the government makes enormous amounts of us in the products or
services we purchase. Should our leaders determine that lowering the Corporate tax rate is a smart
move (which it is), we will see a slight decline in prices in inflation adjusted
A quick Google
search will yield over a million links to State Fee Schedules. All these
Fees are
paid in numerous ways, sometimes hidden, from consumers. Sure, we all
know what we pay for filing fees, document fees, etc. However, have you ever
thought about all the fees that your local business pays and passes the cost on
to the consumer?
Hidden taxes are
so numerous that it would be hard to account for all of them. The
following link has an impressive list, however, even I see some
missing: http://godfatherpolitics.com/942/47-different-taxes-we-pay/
1. Ad Valorem Tax
2. Building Permit Tax
3. Commercial Driver’s License Tax
4. Cigarette Tax
5. Corporate Income Tax
6. Dog License Tax
7. Excise Taxes
8. Federal Income Tax
9. Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
10. Fishing License Tax
11. Food License Tax
12. Fuel Permit Tax
13. Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
14. Gross Receipts Tax
15. Hotel/Motel Tax16. Hunting License Tax17. Inheritance Tax
18. Inventory Tax
19. Liquor Tax
20. Luxury Taxes
21. Marriage License Tax
22. Medicare Tax
23. Personal Property Tax
24. Property Tax
25. Real Estate Tax26. Rental Car Tax
27. Service Charge Tax
28. Social Security Tax
29. Road Usage Tax
30. Sales Tax
31. Recreational Vehicle Tax
32. School Tax
33. State Income Tax
34. State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
35. Telephone Federal Excise Tax
36. Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
37. Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
38. Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
39. Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax
40. Telephone State and Local Tax
41. Telephone Usage Charge Tax
42. Utility Taxes
43. Vehicle License Registration Tax
44. Vehicle Sales Tax
45. Watercraft Registration Tax
46. Well Permit Tax
47. Workers Compensation Tax
As of 2012, Crews estimated that the cost of all federal regulations exceeded $1.8 trillion, which breaks down to a stunning $14,768 for each U.S. household.To put that in perspective, consider that most American families pay about half that in federal income tax.
an example of the typical Liberal argument, just look at this USA
Today article from 2010, which makes this claim.
Furthermore, in an attempt
to write this, it just reiterates the need for transparency in taxation.
Even the Washington
Post understands this:
American taxpayers spend 7.6 billion hours and roughly $140 billion a year to comply with the bewildering thicket of requirements in the federal tax code, according to a report released Friday by a White House advisory board whose members urged Congress to adopt their ideas for simplifying people's lives at tax time.
Personally, I like and dislike different aspects of the
proposed Flat Tax and Fair Tax. However, I would be happier with either compared
to the mess we deal with right
now. I am very watchful of my family's finances, but it is hard to
fathom just where all the waste goes. Well, of course, we all know that a lot
of waste goes to Government! And,
that is my point! I don't like my hard
earned money being wasted, whether by my own
family or my government. So, why do we continue to allow this blind
stealing from us?
Don't be mislead by the Left on this issue. While the
evidence is commonsense, the actual studies are lacking and probably nearly impossible to
actually compile due to the complexity
of our current tax code. However, this again, would be a strong argument
for tax reform that would be strongly supported by the Right through the
Center-Left. As usual, the Liberals would cry foul. After all, a tax reform of
this nature would probably cause more of the 47% to pay more direct taxes.
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