What will it take to get you off the couch and making a REAL difference?

For nearly 5 years... say that with me.. F I V E YEARS, I have been involved with this site and patriots in the effort to restore our Republic. I have witnessed a small percentage of people actually get involved at the local level set on making a difference.... and they are. It may be small steps aimed at accomplishing larger goals, nonetheless, they are working daily at taking baby steps needed to win back our country. Some patriots have taken greater steps and have run for office or accepted positions with greater responsibility, I am so proud of those individuals.

See for nearly 5 years I have stated numerous times that one of the only ways available to us to truly win back this country and make a difference is through the Precinct Strategy. I know, I know, you're saying  here she goes again.... It's true though and it works. If YOU don't take the Bull by the Horns we might as well all give up now. It sounds harsh I know... but dear patriots, we are running out of time for next year's election and accomplishing what we did in 2010 will require patriots becoming precinct committeemen, or whatever they are called in your state (precinct delegates, etc...).
First allow me to inform you that at least 50% of the Committeeman slots nationwide within the GOP are vacant. Also allow me to tell you that the GOP and elected officials etc... will NOT go out of their way to inform you of this most important information. The question is why? I'll tell you why... for them it's politics as usual. They want to control the party and the direction of that party. For us it's not loyalty to the Republican party it's loyalty to the Republic and conservative  values. Will you stop for a moment and imagine what we could accomplish if we simply filled those vacant slots? We would have a landslide victory across the board!

If you believe that the Democrats don't know about this little morsel of truth you'd be wrong. The Democrats win for a variety of reasons such as fraud and another for understanding the commitment of the Precinct Committeeman. Another thing the Democrats do well is they work together. This is a bone of contention for conservatives who Do NOT work well together as a strategy to win. Thereby we lose a lot. I found a Democrat site that outlines what is a Precinct Committee Person so I decided to post this, Note the bold commentary:

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