Why Does Affirmative Action End at the Gridiron?by Dr. Robert Owens |
you ever pondered the fact that everyone being endowed with equal rights by our
creator works out so naturally while the equality of outcome that our
Progressive would-b-masters seek to impose is impossible to achieve without
treating people differently? Have you ever noticed that whenever the government
wishes to give anyone anything they have to first take it from someone else?
everyone obviously has different skills, talents, and ambitions people
inevitably perform and produce at different levels. Therefore to make everyone
end up in the same place it is necessary to hold some back and artificially
advance others.
example if we wanted to treat everyone equally with regard to taxes we would
have a flat tax with no deductions as in everyone pays 10%. If you make one
million dollars or one thousand dollars you pay 10%. That would be equal
treatment before the law and in my opinion that would be fair. However in the
Progressives version of a fair tax system designed to promote equality, people
who earn different amounts are taxed at different rates. If you earn more you
pay more. That may sound good to some, but how is it fair?
education if equality was really the desired result everyone would be judged by
the same standards for admission regardless of race, creed, color or any other
mitigating factor. Everyone would take the same tests and everyone would be
graded exactly the same with admission based upon the score. In the world of
American Academia as administrated by the Progressives categories of people are
judged by different standards and they call this fairness.
at the bewildering array of social programs that have been implemented to ensure
equality and fairness in the Progressive utopia. From food stamps and free cell
phones to state subsidized education in criminal justice for convicted felons,
these ill-conceived and often abused programs turn the safety net into a
hammock that beg the question Ayn
Rand was known to ask, “At whose expense?” If someone gets free food, free
education; free anything the question we should ask is, at whose expense? The
next question should be, do those who are paying the freight for this pleasure
cruise do so voluntarily or are they being coerced? If they are being coerced
into paying for someone else’s benefits what makes this any different than
as if the Progressives have tried to change our original national motto from” E
Pluribus Unum” to “Stand and Deliver” or have they changed our present national
motto “In God We Trust” to “You Can’t Fight City Hall.” Or as if the new
national anthem should be, “Happy Days Are Here Again – Unless You Work For a
of the most often quoted and misquoted statements concerning History tells us,
those who do not learn from History are doomed to repeat it and today we are
seeing the fruits of this truism. The two great revolutions of the eighteenth
century, the American and the French, were mirror images of each other in
several important ways. The American Revolution made a declaration
to the entire world that the rights they sought were endowed upon all men by
their creator. The French in the Declaration of the
Rights of Man placed government as the source of these rights. The American
Revolution sought to rid themselves of an all-powerful government with a limited
government so that individuals could be free to prosper on their own. The
French sought to replace an all-powerful government based upon birth with an
all-powerful government based on merit believing that where the former one
wanted to maintain the status quo with elites on top while the latter one would
promote equality with elites on top.
American experiment created the freest, richest, most powerful country in the
History of the world. In France after the Terror,
after the Triumvirate, and after the Empire
the people saw that they had merely replaced one elite group with another. Then
the Kings came back.
America today our federally controlled education has led to generations of
people who have never learned History or Civics. Now the progressive Pied
Pipers are leading the uninformed to exchange the equality of opportunity our
Founders established for the equality of outcome Europe has chased after since
the French Revolution. With a public not knowing enough to know the difference
these bait and switch tactics seem to be working, and after one hundred years of
a living constitution the Constitution
is nearly dead.
have one more election to stem the tide as we look for a chance to reverse the
flow and return America to limited government, individual freedom, and economic
opportunity. If we miss this opportunity we may soon experience the equality of
mediocrity as we descend into the collectivist pit of self-immolation. This pit
is typified by big government programs meant to redress some perceived
inequality. Redressing inequality sounds good. The problem lies in the fact
that to do so you need a big enough government to enforce the desired result,
and governments are made up of fallible people who all have their own prejudices
and desires.
Madison, in Federalist 51 reflected that, “If men
were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men,
neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.” Men
aren’t angels. Which is why he continued, “In framing a
government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty
lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and
in the next place oblige it to control itself.”
program which serves as a fitting example of the impossibility of living a
consistent life when trained, framed and constrained by the attempts to impose
an artificial man-made, government enforced equality is Affirmative
Action. Which some may argue has now reached the White House.
Does Affirmative Action End at the Gridiron?
the Colleges that are the most rapid in their interpretation and enforcement of
Affirmative Action seem to forget these artificial standards when it comes to
their sports teams. Have you ever wondered why that is so? Because they want
the best players on the field no matter what the ratios of black, white, yellow,
red, straight, gay or other.
fall for the siren song of something for nothing, for affirmative this, and
equality that. Don’t let the perpetually re-elected hucksters fool you with
their promise of a fair shot, a square deal, or of making someone else pay their
fair share. When everything is put in one pot and it is supposed to be divided
equally it always seems that those who do the dividing get the fairest share of
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