The FDR Model for Buying Presidential Elections


Redistributing Wealth and Entitlements for Votes

A general dissolution of the principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but once they lose their virtue, they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader." --Samuel Adams (1779)
In the conservative and business media, there is much perplexity and vexation over the inverse relationship between Barack Hussein Obama's rising job approval ratings and our nation's failing economic status. Yes, Leftmedia "Pollaganda" skewed political polls used as propaganda to prop up Obama, are a factor. But what mystifies some are the more reliable ratings which indicate Obama is increasing his lead over Romney.
Typifying that confusion is this missive from The Wall Street Journal: "The paradox of this presidential campaign is that the worse the economic news gets, the more Barack Obama seems to climb in the polls. The lousy unemployment numbers in May, June, July and August corresponded with a slight rise in Mr. Obama's approval rating. Ditto with the abysmal poverty numbers released two weeks ago."
It would follow then, that the latest economic data this week -- median household income declining $4,520 (8.2 percent) since Obama took office, U.S. economic growth (GDP) declining to a meager 1.3 percent, and orders for durable goods (big-ticket items) declining by 13 percent last month, may actually increase Obama's lead over the Romney-Ryan ticket.

Cont. Reading

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