Hillsdale's New FREE Online Course:
The Progressive Rejection of the Founding and the Rise of Bureaucratic Despotism
Available to you, your family, your friends,
and all Americans. Begins September 4, 2012 – Sign Up TODAY!
Dear Friend,
I am guessing that you are as alarmed as we are that liberty in America is now on the brink of exhaustion.
That's why Hillsdale College has launched one of its most ambitious undertakings yet --- a brand-new online course just in time for this year's election...
and the Rise of Bureaucratic Despotism.
You're invited to learn -- at no cost! This course starts on Tuesday, September 4 and runs for 10 weeks, with the final lecture on Monday, November 5. Sign up now!
As I said, in order to defend the Constitution you must understand it and those who oppose it. And no group has been more hostile to the Constitution and America's founding principles than the Progressives.
The choice we face is simple: between those who wish to preserve and uphold the U.S. Constitution (those who believe in the principles of liberty and limited government as laid out in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution) on one hand, and Progressives (those who believe government to be the solution to any possible problem) on the other.
Starting on September 4, 2012, distinguished members of the Hillsdale faculty and I will teach ten classes on how America, over time, went from its founding as a constitutional republic to the doorstep of a bureaucratic despotism, under arbitrary rule of the administrative state and the Progressive political agenda.
If you're wondering how we've ended up with so many elected officials who believe government -- not the individual -- makes success and prosperity possible, this is the course you need to take!
I hope you'll be my student! I will teach the first and final sessions of this brand new, no-cost, 10-week course. The title of the first class is "The Founders' Constitution and the Challenge of Progressivism."
In order to understand the Progressive challenge to the Constitution and America's founding principles, you must understand how, over time, from early Progressives like Presidents Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, to FDR's "New Deal" and Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society," and right up to 2012 with those in Congress and in the White House, Progressives have openly rejected America's founding principles. This has given rise to the ever-growing "4th branch of government," the massive administrative bureaucracy in Washington, D.C.
Register now for our new Constitution course: The "Progressive Rejection of the Founding and the Rise of Bureaucratic Despotism" and learn how we must stop --- in this important year --- the progressive attack on America's founding principles!
Through this new online course, you'll learn about the origins of Progressive thought after the Civil War, and how we've gone from a limited government to one with massive agencies like the Departments of Education and Energy, unaccountable executive agencies like the EPA, and massive, modern regulatory structures created through legislation like the "Dodd-Frank" bill.
And remember: this course is offered at no-cost to all who want to learn about the Progressive threat to the Constitution. But Hillsdale is only able to offer our Constitution courses at no cost because of the generosity of those who want to help educate all citizens willing and eager to learn more about the principles of liberty our Founding Fathers understood. And that's why we need your help today.
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