The Day the House Repeals Obamacare

July 11th: The Day the House Repeals Obamacare
Dear Patriot,

On Wednesday, the House of Representatives will vote on repealing Obamacare.
We at Heritage Action often speak about critical votes . . . but this is a big one. There is no room for complacency. We conservatives must use this vote to send a clear message that Americans still overwhelmingly favor repealing this abominable law.
When the Supreme Court chose to uphold Obamacare, the nation made a lurch away from free enterprise and away from the principles of limited government on which our nation was founded.
The American people must send a strong message to Congress: repeal it now!
In 2011, 245 Representatives voted for repeal. This time, we must do better.
245 votes should be the minimum number of votes for repeal this time around. We plan to hold lawmakers accountable so that:

1. Every representative who voted for repeal in 2011 votes for it again;
2. Representatives who voted against repeal feel pressure from their districts to switch their votes and support the will the American people; and
3. The scale of the majority forces the Senate to finally act and repeal Obamacare once and for all.
Now is not the time for so-called "moderates" to stand with Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama in favor of bigger government . . . higher taxes . . . and socialized medicine.
We must push for immediate repeal. Find out how you can help today.
We cannot wait to fight for repeal until we have a Republican president. Not only is the election outcome far from guaranteed, but we cannot afford to lose momentum in the fight.
Heritage Action will keep the momentum going for repeal by making key lawmakers feel the force of tens of thousands of activist voices standing firm against Obamacare.
But the fight doesn’t end in the House this week. It will continue in the Senate, where we are working directly with members to draft a strategy for repeal. Harry Reid has relentlessly obstructed even a simple up-or-down vote on repeal. If Harry Reid won’t allow a vote, we will work with conservatives in the Senate to force a vote as soon as is feasible.
Learn more about the three ways Heritage Action is giving the repeal vote a final boost so we can be rid of Obamacare once and for all.
The finish line is in sight. We can’t let conservatives in Congress lose focus.
America took a dangerous turn with the Supreme Court’s ruling. Take action today to make sure Obamacare does not stand.
Thank you for all you do.

Michael A. Needham
Chief Executive Officer
Heritage Action for America

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