Trump to Cut Every Single Fed. Department Except This 1... Liberals Horrified

Donald Trump knows we have to cut federal spending, but if comments he made Monday on Fox News are any indication, he’s not going to let it stand in the way of a badass military.

During the appearance on “Hannity,” Trump endorsed the “penny plan,” a spending cut that’s been put forth by many conservative thinkers and pundits, including host Sean Hannity. Under the penny plan, one cent would be cut out of every dollar of federal spending for five consecutive years, thus eliminating the budget deficit.

However, Trump said it wouldn’t apply to the military — something that no doubt has liberals

“I like the concept of the Penny Plan,” Trump said. “Not for the military, because the military we have to build up.”

“It’s a pretty good plan,” he added. “And it’s a pretty simple plan.”
Donald Trump’s dedication to the military is nothing new. After all, he’s the only candidate to say that he’d “bomb the s***” out of the Islamic State group. And, if s***-bombing is to commence, he needs something better than the weakened military we’ve seen under Barack Obama.

Trump has already indicated that he’d cut two of the liberals’ favorite federal departments. In the Michigan debate, he said he would cut the Department of Education and the Environmental Protection Agency.

“I may cut Department of Education,” Trump said back in October. “I believe Common Core is a very bad thing. I believe that we should be — you know, educating our children from Iowa, from New Hampshire, from South Carolina, from California, from New York.

“I think that it should be local education,” he explained.

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