From the Womb

I was cast upon thee from the womb: thou art my God from my mother's belly.
Psalm 22:10 KJV

God's known you since before your mortal birth,

When you were being knitted in her womb. (Psalm 139:13)

In all the universe He sets your worth,

And watches over you from crib to tomb.

He's been your God since you were just a dream;

He called you to be His before day one.

Predestined to be one whom Christ redeem,

And given full free will from do til done.

So now you are His child forever more,

Becoming more like Christ each passing day.

He has such wondrous things for you in store

And loves you more than words could ever say.

The God that formed the world formed you as well.

You always have been His; in God you dwell.

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