What comes to mind when you say SUNDAY? Does it take you back to days of old, a retrospective of your past? And if it does how does that compare with your today’s version of SUNDAY?

When I think about Sundays of my yesteryear's, I first think my FAMILY, My Friends, my relationships, our fellowships if you will….It was an AMERICAN PIE type of thing….I think about CHURCH, SUNDAY SCHOOL, Singing in the Choir, sometimes a little mischief while the Sermon is being presented….I also think about the Covered dish lunches we had from time to time, the ice cream , apple pie, pecan pie or peach pie…But perhaps because we were nave about the world, we really didn’t FEAR anything…OK there is a couple of caveats…We did fear the Spanking from Mom or Dad & the nightmare or eternal damnation to hell if you weren’t a believer….

World War II was over so we no longer feared the Germans, Japanese & the Italians….We didn’t really fear the Russians, they looked like us…they loved Rock & Roll, Blue Genes & Beer…And as far as the MUSLIMS went there wasn’t that many in this COUNTRY….YET….And their influence seemed less…

SUNDAYS was just AMERICANA personified ….we were Christian, we worked, we studied & we loved….We weren’t perfect but we tried….

What has SUNDAY become…well for one rather than a day of Worship , it’s become a day of POMP & CIRCUMSTANCE…a day of PROPAGANDA….. you go from one TALKING HEARD PARROT show to another…they tell us what to fear & when to fear…but no truth, nothing is real, its staged & it’s “Theater!”…

We don’t go to Church, we don’t tell the truth, we have become superficial Narcissistic asses & we DENY every real thing this Life, this Country & the World was created for….AND it’s all because a FEW EVIL MEN who run the GOVERNMENTS of the world see us as nothing more than PAWNS in the game or Slaves & Prisoners….

I think we should rediscover the SUNDAY’S of our YESTERYEAR'S…today's version will only lead to misery, suffering & damnation ….I think it time for a real REVOLUTION ….I know that phrase or term will only get me on the NSA’S hit list…screw them…Life as it is now is almost worthless

SO, WHAT DOES SUNDAY MEAN TO YOU?.....The old one was worth dying for to protect, this one isn’t worth living for…not anymore…

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