A drum roll, if you please, and now a poem:
His halo has crashed. It's the the thud that we hear
The cries from the New York Times suddenly appear
This great orator's West Point speech did not impress
They have come to the conclusion that it was a total mess
It was laced with platitudes and extremely self serving
Listening to this narcissistic fool can be quite unnerving
For the Times to say this is not what you would expect
But this tyrant is withering. From the Left he gets no respect
The VA scandal is escalating and he's really in bad shape
Even criticisms from his loyal supporters there is no escape
He is a classic sociopath that found his way to the Presidency
The man is Commander in Chief and is despised by the military
If you doubt this just look at the Cadet's reaction to his speech
It was quite depressing. There is no other conclusion to reach
Obama is in a "bubble" and seems to be unaware of what's going on
He is an inveterate liar and so adept at the endless con
The magic is gone and someone with "balls" will have to tell him so
It will not matter for his arrogance and narcissism will surely grow
We welcome the angst he is getting from the Far Left
But they're his pocket. From sanity they are totally bereft
For now we will enjoy seeing this demagogue get his comeuppance
But nothing would compare to us seeing his total disappearance
He has not worn well for he is an utter scourge to our nation
His radical agenda has been the cornerstone of his transformation
Our allies despair of what he has done to our great country 's reputation
The role of our place in the world is in such rapid disintegration
We are proud Americans and we have weathered many a crisis

But never in our long history have we confronted a man like this!

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